Welcome to Laid Off.

I have more friends that’ve been laid off over the last decade than not.

Layoffs can be a radicalizing moment – you realize work is not your family, job stability when you’re not the boss is a precarious promise, and that even a depressingly widespread phenomena can feel crushingly lonely.

I want to go deeper than layoff posts on LinkedIn – I want to know how your boss handled it. If there were signs. Who the first person you told was. What you did for health insurance. If you have a group chat with your former colleagues (and what it’s called).

That’s why I started Laid Off, a weekly interview series with smart and cool people who were laid off.

Stay tuned.

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Weekly (ish) interviews with smart and cool people who got laid off.


Writer and creative with a focus on tech, power, and community. Head of content and community for Business Class and creator of Laid Off.